Are we to blame for the Monday blues? Well, not us per say but people like us, PR people that is. The answer is YES! Most definitely.
Blue Monday was created by a PR campaign..
‘Blue Monday’ was a name given to a date in January which is said to be the most depressing day of the year – as it happens, it’s next Monday. The most loathsome day of the year was invented by people like us, PR people that is, as part of a publicity campaign for Sky Travel – but the stunt worked a little too well and now most people detest Mondays as a result.
As a way of apologising on behalf of our industry, we’d would like to offer you 3 top tips which will hopefully help you to beat the Monday Blues. If all else fails, scroll to the bottom of this email and follow the YouTube link – you’ll thank us for it, trust us.
Fake it ‘till you make it
Make a habit of smiling, even if you’re not actually feeling very positive in that exact moment. Why? Well, when the muscles used for smiling are fired up, it signals to the rest of the body that we are happy. On a physiological level, what that does is it starts to change the chemistry of your body to be happier. So smile like you mean it and enjoy the day.
Change your perspective
Instead of viewing something as a problem, see it as a challenge. Think of happiness as a muscle, in the sense that the more you use it, the more it will grow. If you consciously make an effort to change your outlook on situations, it will start to become instinctual over time.
A happy person might see a challenge instead of a problem because that intuitively brings with it the suggestion that there is a solution.
Plug in your headphones
Music impacts your mood, so choosing to listen to a song that you enjoy can put a smile on your face even if you are having the dreariest of days. For instance, in one 2015 study, researchers found that listening to tunes can curb biological markers of stress, including increased heart rate, high blood pressure and wonky cortisol levels.
And finally, as promised, here’s a video which we guarantee will make you laugh – the poor chap is not having a very good start to the year: